الأحد، 5 أبريل 2020

Nuclei Sarcoma, The Evil of Cancer

Patient' with different kinds of cancer(s) have been cured by the use of drugs!"

As We Know It, in 1930, "Cancer of the Lung was a Rare Disease... in the 70's a Drastic Change Occurred - Lung Cancer Had Become The Leading Cause Of Death From Cancer Among Males In The United States of America!"

"Scientists Are Hopeful That Many Cancers Will Be Cured By 'Chemo' In The Future!"

An uncontrolled growth and spread of body cells, is often known as "Cancer." Under a microscope, the black dotted cells known as nuclei are identified as cancer-cells. This identity is defined in comparison to healthy living cells that are small (black dots) with a wall-like perimeter surrounding them. The large black-dotted nuclei has no such wall.

These invading cells can occur in all kinds of animals and plant-life alike. Our focus, in this submission is basically a closer-look at cancer, and a-focus-on-humankind and the very real threat to our health and life.

The process of cell division gets out of hand during the cancerous invasion process when cellular modules are continually produced, vastly more than needed. Making matters worse, these unneeded cells continually produce more unneeded (or wanted for that matter) cell tissue. While these new "wild cells" continually divide, they are in the habit of forming larger and larger masses of new tissue... These are identified as tumors.

Not all tumors are harmful or life-threatening. Some of these "tumors" are benign. Albeit, being of no use to the body, they could easily interfere with its normal activities. These type(s) of tumors are usually surrounded by a "skin-like" membrane, limiting its growth, preventing the invading cells from spreading into other regions of the body. The killer-cells, called "malignant," are not contained... They have no walls holding them in - keeping them from spreading into other areas or regions of the body. They invade all normal cellular tissue - they grow and spread rapidly, invading, dominating, and destroying all normal cellular tissue - these monsters are also tumors - THESE MONSTERS ARE CANCER!

Cancer can occur in any kind of living cell. Being that there are many types of "cell tissue" in existence, the human category alone has over one hundred different kinds of cell tissue... so there can be more than one kind of cancer cell(s). In short, "Cancer is not one disease but a large family of diseases!"

The human body is made up of many different types of cellular tissue. Each of these is in turn, made up of or contains many other different kinds of cell tissue. Many of these cells constantly divide, making it possible for the body to make more of itself, explaining why young humans grow; why the body repairs itself; and the replacing of worn-out tissue, etc.

The four major kinds of cancer are called:

"Carcinomas," "Sarcomas," "Leukemias," and "Lymphomas."

Many types of skin cancer(s) can be typed as "Carcinomas" or cancer(s) of the skin. Identified with the skin-like linings of the lungs, the stomach, internal organs, glands and/or the upper and lower intestines of humans and animals alike.

The connective tissue(s) like bone, cartillage, and fat is attacked by a cancer known as "Sarcoma."

This is the type of cancer that attacked my nine year old niece.

Cancers involving bone marrow cells are "Leukemia."

"Lymphoma(s)" is identified as cancer that attacks the blood. Albeit, both of these cancers attack blood cells, lymphoma is the cancer that attacks the "Lymphatic System" (or Lymph Glands). The lymph is the fluid that fills the spaces between the body's cells.

According to cancer research, more than ninety percent of cancers appear or occur in persons over the age of forty. Due to the fact of people living longer, cancer has become a common disease. This conclusion is partly drawn on the fact that people were not living long lives, primarily past the age of thirty-five or forty.

Chemicals is another factor that is partly to blame for the epidemic. Cigarette smoke being the primary principle in infections then and now.

Cancer, in these United States, is known to be a major culprit in death-dealing infections; second only to 'Heart Disease. Current statistics show only a little over one third of recorded cancer patients as being actual survivors. Many patients are and have been treated with radiation, in carefully administered measures of X-Rays, Radioactive Cobalt, Radioactive Isotopes, and/or Chemotherapy (Drug Treatment).

These types of treatment is intended to possibly cure the cancer patient of his or her affliction(s).

The purpose of research by a multitude of clinics and research institutions all over the world, is to prevent new cases of cancer. The detection of the disease in its early stages allow for an early defence; allowing for the implementation of new and improved treatment while finding new ways to prevent and/or cure this killer disease.

The detection of cancer is paramount. The successful treatment of the disease is more than likely; before the spreading process has begun; taken effect once its presence has been announced.

"Karkinus," as defined by the Ancient Greeks, means "Crab" or "Crab-like" because of the crablike spreading of the invading cancer. "Crab-cancer" is what it was called by the ancient Romans. Malignant growth is also spread when the invader is broken off from the original growth. Different parts of the body are invaded by the cancer cells via the blood stream or the lymph vessels. The new colonies of the evil invaders are called "Metastases."

In an essay by "Helena Curtis," and "T. Gerald Delang," of the Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research, report an observation of "Chimney Sweeps" in 1775, believed that "soot" from chimneys was the cause of cancer. This report was recorded by a London based surgeon named "Percival Pott." He said that chemicals may not be the ultimate cause of cancer but seem to have had an effect on living cells in such a way that cancer(s) develop.

Chemical based food coloring and flavoring used as preservatives, along with more than four hundred other cancer causing material(s) commonly used in industrial endeavors, have been identified as root sources with the testing of laboratory animals since 1930. Coal Tar was utilized in producing cancerous cells in rabbits by scientists back in nineteen-fifteen. Fifteen years later, more scientists found the chief carcinogen in the coal tar experiment, according to cancer researchers.

The conclusive details have resulted in the industrial communities steps to try and protect the workers who are exposed to coal, tar, soot, asbestos, dyes in other commonly used material(s).

Clear answers are not always present when chemicals are added to our food(s) as flavoring, coloring, or preservative agents. Many governments attempt to make sure that these types of chemicals are not cancer causing carcinogens. One example of chemical bans is "Cyclamates." These are a kind of artificial sweetener commonly used by consumers. There has been plenty of disagreements by government agencies and researches regarding the banning of these types of chemicals. The United States Government has banned the use of cyclamates due to laboratory test-rats.

"Three out of four," say The American Cancer Society. "Lung Cancer Deaths are the result of cigarette smoking." They state "The Death Rate From Lung Cancer Is Ten Times As High Among Cigarette Smokers As Among Those Who Have Never Smoked. Those who smoke two or more packs of cigarettes per day, the rate is twenty times as high as among non-smokers."

Laboratory results support these findings. Carcinogens are contained within tars on tobacco. Many scientists agree that more research is needed in order to learn about the reasons why people smoke.

Cancer epidemiology is the study of cancer occurrences in different groups of people. One example of this study is the research on lung cancer in smokers and nonsmokers alike.

Cancer often does not always cause pain or show itself during the early stages. Early cancers are almost always detected by doctors during regular (and/or irregular) physical examinations.

Hidden cancer is often revealed through a simple test could save hundreds of thousands of lives every single year. However, no such test exists - there are particular tests that detect particular types of cancer(s). One such test is called "The Papanicolaou Test." This test is used to detect cancer in the womb, particularly the cervix. The "PAP Test" is the commonly known name for detecting cervix cancer. A trained medical professional can almost always, with the use of a microscope, pick out the cancerous cells as opposed to normal cells. Scientist, collectively, have been utilizing this method of cancer detection for many other forms of cancer.

Researchers say many forms of cancer cannot be traced to outside agents as they are forced to seek the cancer causes within the body. Heredity is a major area of concern as living organisms inherit the basic makeup through the passed down cellular tissue(s). Mice in laboratories have been tested and researched regarding this question; supposing something is or was wrong within the cells of the parent - could this be possible, the passing of cancerous cells via generation to generation?

Closely studied lab mice have been bred relating "generation after generation" in an attempt to compare what happens within and to different groups.

Cancer(s) and other cellular tissue have been transplanted from one animal to another, especially those who happen to be or are much like identical twins. The results vary. In some strains, about ninety to one hundred percent of these mice have developed certain types of cancer. In other strains cancer is almost unknown. The test results have shown inherit cancer or a possible tendency toward it in the tested lab mice.

Human studies haven't been able to prove this theory, as they have not anything so defining. Albeit, several types of tumors do seem to run in families. This research does not mean that other family members would develop the same disease.

In learning about the relationship between cancer and heredity, a great deal more research is needed.

Exposure to rays, radiation(s), ultraviolet, x-rays, and radio active elements, i.e., radium are also agents of cancer. People who have to work outdoors and are constantly exposed to large doses of ultraviolet rays can possibly contract and/or develop skin cancer to commonly exposed areas of the skin, such as the back of hands, the neck, and most probably the face.

In 1895, 'Wilhelm Roentgen' discovered that x-rays were a most powerful form of a cancer causing agent. Prolonged exposure to x-rays when not carefully utilized, developed cancer(s) to the skin and bone.

Only the smallest possible amounts of radiation should be used in taking dental or chest x-rays. However, it is not to say that x-rays shouldn't be administered, because when handled correctly, "The benefits of careful medical use, far outweigh the possible risks."

Unnecessary use of x-rays, by law, is forbidden. New types of equipment today, has been designed to protect both the patient, administrating technicians, and the doctor.

Studies across the globe have shown that the cancer rate among people residing in cities is only slightly higher than those who dwell in rural areas.

Motor powered vehicles, power plants, and factories need to burn fuel in order to operate. The burning of these fossil fuels discharged into the air (mainly over cities) - the burned fuel becomes waste which is a carcinogenic cancer causing entity - Air Pollution!

Some carcinogenics, according to the (cancer) article, may take up to twenty years or more before a cancer develops.

Another monster which seeks to suck all the life from us is the "Virus!"

The virus is the smallest of germs. Studies have found that the deadly invader(s) grow only within living cells.

Some time around 1900, an American Doctor and scientist, discovered that certain types of cancer in tested chickens is caused by a virus. From that point in time, other researchers, as well, have found that many other cancer-causing viruses have been discovered. Cancer from viruses have been found in hamsters, monkeys, mice, as well as other mammals through profound and rigorous research.

According to many researchers, a virus is made up of a substance called "Nucleic Acid," wrapped in a coating of protein. The record goes on to say that there are Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA), and Ribonucleic Acid (RNA). These cells are the living things our bodies are made of. The "DNA" cells are the blueprint of our individuality - our physical identification, (if you will); determining the structure of the cell and for that matter, what substances that particular cell will manufacture.

When a living cell is invaded by a virus, the nucleic acid of the virus slips out of its protein coat and becomes an invisible part of that cell. When this happens, it is highly possible for these viruses to produce new viruses creating hundreds of new viruses to come to fruition. Hundreds of these killer demons are created and released from the cell(s) which go out to infect other cells.

It's been noted that oftentimes, the virus does not order the invaded cell to replicate. Instead, the nucleic acid becomes a part of the DNA of the living cell - "Assimilation!"

By doing this, a virus can possibly change a normal cell into one that is cancerous. The replicated DNA makes an exact copy of itself and is passed onto other living cells.

When the cell divides, each of the two new cells receives one of the copies. As I can best understand the explanation, before a cell divides, its DNA replicates, making an exact copy of itself. The new cells are exactly like each other and like the original cell! This changed or duplicated cell is cast, "A Mutation!"

Does this all sound too "Science Fiction?" Does a few movie titles come to mind? How about "The Thing From Another World," starring James Arness grab you? You'd probably remember the version of the "Thing" starring 'Kurt Russell. How about "Alien" starring Sigourney Weaver? There are many other moving pictures plays depicting alien assimilations on the big screen as well the "Boob-Tube!" Remember "The Invaders" with Roy Thinnes? I often wondered were many of the 'Sci-Fi' authors got their material. But this Man-killer of which we speak, is life action continuing and constant danger(s).

A lot more research is greatly needed before mankind can win the war against cancer. Vaccines have been in development by scientists for the sole purpose of destroying these cancer-causing viruses. New cures are being sought by many scientists around the world.

Many scientists truly believe that cancer cells could be mutants. This belief is supported by the action(s) of some carcinogens, i.e., chemicals and x-rays. They all are in agreement that these agents (from Hell) cause cancer while also creating mutations that are not cancerous...

How many would question the logic to that statement?

However, they (collectively, according to medical reviews and reports) do agree that thousands upon thousands of chemicals are being tested for their effect in relation to substances that are known cancer-killers. Although many other chemicals have been tested for the substances found within living cells - while others have been chosen at random. The drugs currently used today against cancer have been found in this manner. The cost of this research goes beyond affordability.

The scientific goal in this fight against cancer is to know everything possible about normal cells is the key to understanding and controlling the abnormal cells that are cancerous.

Radiation, X-Rays, and Radioactive Isotopes have been used to kill cancer cells. Medical Professionals, Engineers, and many other researchers have designed equipment to pinpoint the targeted cancer cell(s), while minimizing the damage to the normal or healthy cell(s).

One of the methods, as this author understands, used for treating cancer is surgery. The goal of the surgeon(s) is to completely remove the cancerous tissue. The down side to this choice is that surgery is not always possible, nor is it the answer. Therefore, another treatment must be found.

You may recall, previously, the mentioning of my beautiful young niece who was attacked by this vile menace.

Her name - "Allyse Virginia Coulter-Cruz!" This beautiful angel was diagnosed with "OsteoSarcoma" (Bone Cancer), at the innocent age of ten (10). I can remember when she complained of her legs being in pain while we vacationed in the "Pocono Mountains." Our family had no reason to think it was anything other than child-hood fatigue... We did a lot of walking in the mountains in those days. I carried her around on my back most of the remaining time during that particular trek. Once the pain passed, she walked around on her own, playing and running around with her cousins.

The disease wasn't discovered until after we'd been back in the city; post vacation, a week or so, not much longer than that. Allyse was out walking with her mother, in their neighborhood of 'Tacony,' when she tripped on a sidewalk. Her leg of course was broken. Witnesses were stunned to see the odd way in which it was twisted.

Allyse underwent several surgeries, remissions, and relapsed twice during her superior and courageous battle.

Allyse was born to "Charmaine Ruth Coulter," my beloved Sister-In-Law, on July 1st, 1988. Just prior to this child's fourteenth birthday, she lost the fight. She left us to return "Home" on June 30th, 2002.

"Our Beloved Angel Was Born Unto This Earth, Has Returned To Heaven!"

On a personal note, I've decided to share this story/information in hopes that the stated experience may provide some insight and aid in ones research as well; providing some helpful background into the deadly evil destruction of this menacing disease and the effects it has on the living...

There was another personal experience pertaining to cancer's terrible and deadly attack. I knew a man, a friend, who contracted throat cancer and passed away way too soon. The killer struck from out of nowhere - a totally unexpected attack. It was simply horrible to witness his suffering. Charles (Charley) Palmer of "East Falls" in 'Philly,' PA suffered only a short while before succumbing to his illness.

In this (Charles') case, it was surely the cancer that surely killed him. In the case of my niece, it was the viral infection that caused her untimely demise.

Another friend of mine who contracted this terrible disease is a guy who lived across the street from me. His name is Edgar (Buddy) Johnson. He contracted lung cancer and managed to survive after surgery. He is still alive and kicking to this day. His current age is eighty-two. And still another of my friends who have suffered this killing machine was Ronald (Kenyatta) Reed. He passed away at the age of sixty-seven. The surgery that would have probably saved him was a "Bone Marrow Transplant."

Remember, in its early stage(s), cancer may not cause pain or show itself... it's the testing and physical examination(s) that ultimately detect the threat.

Chemotherapy, or the utilization of drugs to fight this disease is a common method administered by cancer specialists. The treatment incorporates a combination of chemotherapy and radiation, according to medical journals, reviews, and professionals.

The drug administration is intended to make the cancer cells more susceptible to radiation. The medical reports go on to state this treatment will prolong a person's life while relieving pain. It's also been reported in the medical communities, that "patient's with different kinds of cancer(s) have been cured by the use of drugs used in this fashion." Scientists have said they are hopeful that many cancers will be cured by "Chemo" in the future.

We shall See... as we remain hopeful.

"Cancer, So United It Cannot Cripple Love, Shatter Hope, Corrode Faith, Destroy Peace, Kill Friendship, Suppress Memories, Silence Courage, Invade The Soul, or Steal Eternal Life - It Cannot Conquer The Spirit!"

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9981301

smoking and coronavirus

On Monday, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio addressed the cases popping up in his city, including one of an otherwise healthy 22-year-old man. "Why is a 22-year-old man stable but hospitalized at this point? The one factor we know of is he is a vaper," de Blasio said. “So, we don't know of any preexisting conditions, but we do think the fact that he is a vaper is affecting this situation.”

Can vaping or smoking increase risk of coronavirus? Here’s what health experts say

There are confirmed cases of COVID-19 in 34 counties, according to state data. As of Saturday morning, there are 107 cases in the eight-county greater Houston region.
Dr. Michael Matthay, the associate director of critical care medicine at UCSF, said cigarette smoking or vaping can increase the risk of developing coronavirus. “Based on prior studies with other pulmonary infections, both bacterial and viral, it is highly likely that cigarette smoking and vaping will increase the risk of coronavirus pneumonia and increase its severity, though we don’t know to what extent.”
Matthay said they’ve seen in studies that nicotine inhaled into the lungs of mice can delay the clearance of the influenza virus, indicating that nicotine could also delay the clearance of the novel coronavirus.
This helps explain the initial suspicion that men seemed more susceptible to the disease in the cases in China, since Chinese men are more likely than women to be smokers. A World Health Organization study from 2019 found that 47.6% of Chinese men smoke, compared to only 1.8% of Chinese women

السبت، 28 مارس 2020

Seven Secrets About Breast Cancer

Mystery #1 The Money Spent On Research Into Breast Cancer Is Not Ensuring That Less Women Get Breast Cancer. 

Mystery #2 You Do Need To Act Against Getting Breast Cancer Before You Reach 50 And You Cannot Rely On Mammograms. 

Mystery #3 You Are At Risk Of Getting Breast Cancer Even If You Don't Have It In Your Family. 

Mystery #4 Most Of The Money Spent On Research Is Not Going Into Prevention To Ensure That Less Women Suffer The Devastating Effects Of Breast Cancer In The Future. 

Mystery #5 Most Women Are Not Breast Aware And Are Afraid Of Breast Cancer. 

Mystery #6 Women Are Not Given Lots Of Advice On How They Can Protect Their Breasts Against Breast Cancer. 

Mystery #7 Most Women Do Not Appreciate How Important Their Breasts Are And Do Not Do Everything They Can To Look After And Protect Them. 

The above "privileged insights" are things which are not normally known by most ladies and might be amazing to you. Right now, plan to reveal insight into these realities and permit ladies to make up their own personalities how they approach their bosom wellbeing. 


The Pink Ribbon and Breast Cancer Awarenss Month was presented in the US in 1985 and acquainted with the UK in 1993. The Pink Ribbon Foundation is fronted by the Estee Lauder gathering of organizations (known for beauty care products and skincare). 

From that point forward the pink strip image has gotten synonymous with bosom disease and during the previous 15 years billions of pounds have been brought up in its name. Each October the world observes Breast Cancer Awareness Month and raising money during that month is amazing. All the bosom malignancy good cause strive with one another to see who can think of the most inventive "pink" raising money. They run pink gatherings and offer pink items so as to fund-raise. Numerous organizations participate and do uncommon advancements during October for their favored foundation. "Pink" is large matter of fact. 

So with this cash being raised during October and furthermore at different occasions during the year through occasions like cause runs and strolls, is there an effect on the bosom malignant growth rates in the UK and around the globe? Is it accurate to say that they are descending? Are less ladies experiencing the overwhelming impacts of bosom malignant growth? 

Lamentably, the appropriate response is 'no'. 

In the UK, from 1993-2004, bosom malignant growth rate has expanded 18.5%, that is 1% every year. 1 out of 9 ladies will get the ailment during their lifetime with current projections of 1 of every 7 by 2010. 45,500 ladies were analyzed in 2005, which likens to 125 ladies consistently. Overall in excess of a million ladies are determined to have bosom disease consistently. It is additionally anticipated that bosom malignancy rates will increase most in creating nations, where ladies don't approach top quality consideration and where they can likewise be treated as outsiders in specific social orders. 

Bosom malignant growth endurance rates have improved. Consistently in excess of 12,300 ladies and 70 men kick the bucket from bosom malignancy. Since the top in the late 1980s bosom disease passing rates have fallen by a third. Bosom malignancy drugs have assisted with sparing ladies' lives in any case, similarly as with any medications, can have long haul side effects. Additionally the expense of these medications puts incredible strain on the NHS. In the event that bosom disease rates keep on expanding as they have been doing, at that point, as per Professor Karol Sikora as announced in the Daily Mail on 09/09/08, "the up and coming age of medications would keep patients alive longer, however could swallow half of the ebb and flow NHS malignant growth spending plan inside four years. (this alludes to all malignant growth drugs at an expense of £50 billion). 

With the billions being raised by individuals around the globe for the sake of bosom malignancy, is it right that in reality more ladies are getting this overwhelming ailment consistently? 


Ladies in the UK are offered bosom screening by mammogram at regular intervals from the age of 50. This is on the grounds that bosom disease is still increasingly basic in ladies more than 50 yet additionally in light of the fact that the bosom tissue of more youthful ladies is denser and, in this way, makes it progressively hard for a mammogram to get on a potential bosom irregularity. 

Notwithstanding, this could be giving the message to more youthful ladies that they don't have to check their bosoms themselves. In view of my experience during my bosom wellbeing talks, not many more youthful ladies check their bosoms. The fundamental purposes behind this are nobody has told them the best way to, they don't have the foggiest idea what to do, they imagine that they possibly need to stress if bosom malignant growth is in the family (see Secret #3) or they are anxious about the possibility that that they may discover something. 

For a more youthful lady it is significantly increasingly imperative to check her bosoms from her mid-twenties as bosom malignant growth in more youthful ladies is normally considerably more forceful as the bosom disease cells can duplicate more quickly than in more established ladies. On the off chance that young ladies were instructed by their moms to check their bosoms from their mid-twenties, they would not be apprehensive - it would simply be a piece of their general system of caring for themselves. Likewise they would feel certain about what to do. Bosom self-assessment is anything but difficult to do once you have been indicated how and there are even gadgets available which can assist you with doing as such with certainty and more prominent precision. 

Bosom malignancy is the greatest enemy of ladies matured 35-54, which implies it bodes well for ladies right now to do all that they can to ensure their bosoms. 

Besides, I don't accept that we ought to depend on mammograms either. Ladies are just screened like clockwork and, generally, a mammogram can just recognize a bosom tumor once it has been developing for a long time. When the tumor arrives at 10 years, it could be past the point of no return. The other thing to recall is that a mammogram can just screen the piece of the bosom which can be placed into the "clip". It can't screen under the armpit or between the bosoms for instance. 

Ultimately, there is developing worry over the security of mammograms. Coming up next are extricates from an article composed by Peter Leando PhD. 

"Discussion has seethed for quite a long time with respect to whether the dangers identified with the radiation introduction experienced mammography are defended by the advantages picked up ...... new proof identifying with the specific sort of radiation utilized and the hard proof identifying with the clinical advantages of mammography have caused a genuine re-assessment of the defense of mammography as a screening test. 

Radiation from routine mammography can't be legitimately contrasted with different kinds of X-beam like chest X-beam and so on the grounds that they are altogether different sorts of radiation. 

The correlations that have been utilized between a chest x-beam and mammography, 1/1,000 of a rad (radiation-retained portion) for a chest X-beam and the 1 rad introduction for the standard four movies taken of the two bosoms for a mammographic screening test brings about nearly multiple times more prominent presentation. (This alludes to the US, where they do four-way screening. In the UK normally just two-way screening is advertised.) 

This is viewed as a critical hazard factor when stretched out over a multi year screening period and a potential collective portion of 10 rads. Tragically this isn't the significant hazard presented by the specific sort of radiation utilized by mammograms, mammography X-beams utilize a low vitality type of ionizing radiation that causes more prominent biologic harm than the high vitality X-beam. The exceptionally low vitality electrons influence the thickness of ionization tracks that go through the tissue, which can make complex harm the DNA and cancer-causing changes. 

The radiation utilized by mammography is just about multiple times progressively compelling at causing malignant growth." So, ladies do need to begin checking their bosoms from their mid twenties and we can't depend on mammograms 100%, especially for more youthful ladies who might have a more prominent introduction to radiation during their lifetime in the event that they were offered mammograms from a more youthful age. Likewise mammograms don't distinguish Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) which is an a lot rarer type of the illness and doesn't include an irregularity. This would just identified by a lady searching for changes to her bosoms and announcing them to her primary care physician. 


Among the many ladies I have conversed with about bosom wellbeing, by far most were under the bogus impression that bosom malignant growth is fundamentally genetic. They were shocked to hear that less than 10% of cases happen to ladies who have bosom disease in the family. 

Truth be told, each lady is in danger and should assume responsibility for her own bosom wellbeing to give herself the most ideal possibility of avoidance or early discovery. 

The other most regular recognized hazard factors are: 

Age - bosom disease is increasingly normal in ladies more than 50 

Early adolescence - it is stressing that pubescence is beginning more youthful, with most young ladies beginning their periods at elementary school 

Late pregnancy - numerous lady are picking to have kids later 

Late beginning menopause 

Not having youngsters and not breastfeeding - this was referred to as right on time as the eighteenth century when a specialist in Italy saw that nuns had more elevated levels of bosom disease than everyone 

Being overweight - this applies essentially to post-menopausal ladies 

Liquor - over-utilization expands the danger of bosom malignant growth 

Recognized hazard factors represent around half of bosom malignant growth cases. For the rest of, are no distinct reasons. 

There are a developing number of researchers, business organizations and people who accept this staying half is because of the ascent of the quantity of synthetic substances which have been presented in the course of recent years. They are utilized in our nourishment, in our toiletries, in the working environment, in our garments, in our goods - truth be told, in each part of our lives. A large number of these synthetic substances are endocrine disturbing synthetic concoctions (EDC's), otherwise called hormone disruptors or estrogen mimickers. In basic terms, they act like estrogen in o

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2031795

Treating Cancer Without Drugs

Malignancy is without a doubt the malady that most of individuals dread the most. 

Is it accurate to say that you are one of those? 


Is it in light of the fact that a companion or a friend or family member has malignant growth or has kicked the bucket of disease after a weakening time of unbearable agony, loss of nobility, incredible torment lastly an unexpected passing? 

Is it on the grounds that such a significant number of individuals have one or other kind of malignant growth and that the demise pace of disease patients is so high? 

Or on the other hand is it in light of the fact that the vast majority of us don't comprehend the substantiates realities about disease and the entirety of the treatment alternatives accessible to us to effectively treat malignant growth, or the genuine endurance paces of these different choices? 

Disarray and Misinformation 

It's everything of these things, yet one other thing that is without a doubt, there is a great deal of disarray and falsehood around all parts of malignancy and explicitly disease medications and endurance rates. 

I trust that a portion of the realities right now will assist you with minimizing the disarray and give you some direction on what causes malignant growth, how you can forestall getting it just as understanding the different solid and demonstrated regular treatment alternatives that are accessible to you. 

So where do you start? 

"Mindfulness and Knowledge" are the best medication. The primary thing you have to do is assume responsibility for your own social insurance and that of your family. At that point you have to turn out to be completely mindful of all the malignant growth treatment choices accessible to you. Just once you have this information are you enabled to settle on the best treatment decision when you or a relative gets malignancy. This ought to incorporate both the staggering "present day medication" medicines that a great many people are constrained into and the exceptionally fruitful elective medicines that not many individuals know about. At exactly that point will you have the option to settle on an educated choice and understand that Cancer doesn't need to be a "Capital punishment." 

What is Cancer? 

Lets start by characterizing malignancy and taking a gander at a portion of the measurements and the unavoidable chance of you or a relative getting disease. 

Malignancy is a conventional term for a huge gathering of illnesses that can influence any piece of the body and is regularly alluded to as "harmful tumors". The principle highlight of disease is the quick formation of anomalous cells that develop past their typical limits, framing harmful tumors. These tumors constantly attack abutting portions of the body and metastasise (spread) to different organs, which is generally the reason for death. 

There are about 10.9 million new occurrences of malignancy consistently worldwide and about 6.7 million passings per year from disease. There is as yet an upward pattern in the vast majority of the western nations where individuals carry on with a "Cutting edge Lifestyle", with 1 of every 4 grown-ups expected to get some type of malignancy in the course of their life. 

It is safe to say that you are or one of your friends and family a malignant growth applicant? 

We as a whole have Cancer! 

Did you realize that all of us has malignant growth cells in our body, however the greater part of us aren't even mindful of it. That is a direct result of the bodies stunning Immune System that constantly watches our body and wipes out outside trespassers, including the recently shaping malignant growth cells. Be that as it may on the off chance that the resistant framework gets bargained in any capacity, at that point it can't control the malignancy cells and they become set up normally bringing about some type of disease. Frequently the disease may have been creating over numerous prior years it is distinguished. 

In any case, numerous specialists utilize this risk of desperation to surge you into a particular malignant growth treatment routine of their decision, which may not be the best treatment for you. Sadly, the majority of us are uninformed of the different treatment alternatives accessible and aimlessly trust our primary care physicians, oncologists and masters to settle on the decision for us. 

Lamentably, an excellent companion of mine did that when his significant other was determined to have Liver Cancer, and she endured obliterating torment, wild sickness, loss of hair and other substantial capacities, and in the long run kicked the bucket rashly from the chemotherapy. He knows since he could have forestalled that and she could have recovered her wellbeing and health in the event that he had known about the accessible "normal malignant growth medications". 

When you have the "Mindfulness and Knowledge" about Cancer and the accessible medicines then you can take an interest in that choice, after the entirety of it's YOUR LIFE. 

So what is the fundamental explanation behind our Immune Systems being undermined? 

The "Cutting edge Lifestyles" a large portion of us live! 

Fundamental driver of Cancer 

Malignant growth is a "Cutting edge Lifestyle" infection that is principally brought about by the unpleasant and dangerous ways of life we live. 

In this cutting edge period that we are living in, everybody of us is presented to a poisonous and acidic assault, each snapshot of our lives. The majority of us are presented to dangerous air and water contamination, quick seared greasy nourishments, prepared food sources, cancer-causing filled staple goods, sugar filled nourishments and beverages, products of the soil developed in pesticide harmed soil; liquor, smoking, absence of activity, solution and recreational medications to make reference to the primary guilty parties. This is exacerbated by the enormous feelings of anxiety that the vast majority are experiencing, which bring about an acidic internal landscape. 

What's more we are additionally confronted with dangerous items in our homes, with some family chemicals, individual consideration and corrective items having cancer-causing fixings, and what we eat and drink is altogether acidic, with generally "handled" and "comfort" nourishments containing harmful added substances. 

Not very many of the cutting edge degenerative ailments, including disease, were basic only a hundred years back and are undeniably brought about by our advanced ways of life. Actually the malignant growth rate 100 years prior was one out of 8,000 while today it is one out of each four grown-up people. This associates legitimately with the expansion in the utilization of acidic nourishments and harmful synthetic compounds and contamination. 

Cancer-causing agents - the Cancer Curse 

"Carcinogens" cause malignancy. So the inquiry is, "How presented would we say we are to these malignancy causing synthetics?" 

The accompanying articulation is off the scorecard.org site who screen air contamination in the US. "More than 4 billion pounds of dangerous synthetic substances are discharged by industry into the country's condition every year, including 72 million pounds of perceived cancer-causing agents". 

Companions of the Earth's investigation of the Environment Agency's Pollution Inventory shows that Britain's greatest plants are as yet discharging more than 10,000 tons of malignant growth causing synthetic concoctions into the air each year. 

The Chemical Industry in a Bottle 

The Environmental Working Group have investigated Personal Care items to set up their security for a long time at this point, and have distributed their discoveries. 

Here are only 2 of the manners in which that we are constantly presented to these frightful synthetics. 

Mechanical synthetic substances are fundamental fixings in close to home consideration items. 

• There are around 10,500 one of a kind substance fixings in these items that contain cancer-causing agents, pesticides, conceptive poisons, endocrine disruptors, plasticizers, degreasers, and surfactants, which compares to around one out of each eight of the 82,000 synthetic substances enrolled for use in Personal Care items in the US 

• One of each five grown-ups are conceivably presented each day to the entirety of the best seven cancer-causing debasements normal to individual consideration item fixings - hydroquinone, ethylene dioxide, 1,4-dioxane, formaldehyde, nitrosamines, PAHs, and acrylamide. 

The genuine harm is finished by what we eat and drink. 

As of late, because of broad examination into nourishment added substances, it has been set up that the fundamental "added substance executioners" are "excitotoxins". 

Through an obsessive procedure caused fundamentally by eating and drinking abundance glutamate, aspartate and l-cysteine, incredible excitotoxins that over-actuate receptors in the body, cause nerve cells to transform or be harmed and slaughtered. 

Put in layman's terms, excitotoxins "energize your synapses to death!" and have been found to drastically advance disease development and metastasis. At the point when you increment the glutamate level, malignancy just develops out of control, anyway when you square glutamate, it drastically eases back the development of the disease. 

In this way, if nothing else, you should comprehend which added substances are excitotoxins, what the outcomes are of devouring them, and how you recognize nourishments that for the most part have excitotoxins in them. 

In spite of the fact that there are around 70 excitotoxins, Nitrosamines (Sodium Nitrite), Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) and Aspartame are the most perilous, and are the fundamental "added substance executioners" answerable for malignant growth and other degenerative maladies. 

Nitrosamines - Sodium Nitrite is added to meat as an additive, explicitly to forestall the development of the bacterium that causes botulism and to give it a corrective ruddy look. At the point when sodium nitrite is added to meat, it joins with the "amines" effectively present in the meat to frame "nitrosamines". These are exceptionally cancer-causing substance mixes which can build your chances of getting mind tumors, leukemia and certain types of malignant growth. 

MSG - Is the most broadly utilized "enhance enhancer" on the planet. It is utilized in handled nourishment, quick nourishments, canned, bundled and solidified food sources, soups, sauces and in Chinese nourishment. 

MSG has been connected to malignant growth, headaches, asthma, neurodegenerative illnesses, ADHD, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, ALS, heart inconsistencies and all the more as of late to heftiness. 

Infants and youngsters are generally helpless. Social and physical issues just as a lack of ability to concentrate consistently scatter (ADD), have been analyzed and effectively treated as MSG issue. 

Aspartame - Is a fake sugar and an "excitotoxin" with a critical history and questionable reputation. Aspartame is found in excess of 4,000 items and has harmed and harmed a great many individuals worldwide throughout the most recent decade. 

The harm additionally influences pregnant ladies, unborn children and babies. It can create changes in the mind that are irreversible, contingent upon when it is halted. It has been found to re-program the wiring of the mind, especially the hypothala

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7452620

Cancer Treatment - Organ Specific Cancer Treatments

Organ explicit malignant growth medications

Certain propelled malignant growth emergency clinics oversee disease in an organ explicit way, and as needs be oncologists are saved for treating tumors influencing explicit organs as it were. In like manner, oncologists have effectively treated bosom disease, head and neck malignancy, gynecological disease, orthopedic malignant growth, lung disease, neuro malignant growth, and liver malignancy.

Seeing every organ explicit malignant growth and the treatment accessible for it

Bosom Cancer

It is the commonest of malignant growths influencing ladies, and it is accepted to be the disease that has caused the most mortality among ladies beside lung disease. The mortality has been the most noteworthy among ladies whose ages were somewhere in the range of 45 and 55. Bosom malignancy is reparable in the event that it is analyzed at a beginning period, and if the important medications are done quickly following its identification. Bosom disease is development of bosom cells in an uncontrolled way.

Bosom malignancy analysis

Irregular nearness of a knot

This finding can be done by the patient, and the specialist also searches for the nearness of unusually looking protuberances through physical bosom assessments. Other than an irregularity, the adjustments in the bosom that specialists anticipate finding is skin dimpling, unordinary changes in the size, as well as state of the bosom, pulled in areolas as against it being pointed outward when ordinary, and staining of the bosom's skin.


Radiologists use mammograms to search out anomalies in the bosoms. Mammograms are x-beam photos of the bosom that are normally taken by keeping the bosoms in a packed position.

Ultrasound imaging of bosoms

Ultrasound imaging is utilized to inspect the bosoms, and this system of utilizing sound waves helps in recognizing whether an irregularity that has been seen in a bosom is either a growth loaded up with liquid, or a strong one.

Attractive Resonance Imaging, or MRI

The MRI of a bosom is taken utilizing a solid attractive field. X-ray of the bosom gets essential in specific circumstances to appropriately analyze bosom malignancy.


The biopsy of the bosom becomes essential when the oncologist has a solid doubt of malignant growth being available. A center needle biopsy is performed on the presume zone of the bosom to either affirm the sickness, or preclude it.

The advantage of early bosom malignant growth recognition

Discovery of bosom disease can be made at a beginning period through screening. Screening alludes to the different tests and assessments that are completed on the bosoms of an individual to recognize the malady at the most punctual, even before the real manifestations of the illness begins to appear. Typically bosom malignant growths that can be felt and distinguished are tumors that have become bigger in size and that which in normal cases has spread to districts outside the bosom. The treatment in such cases is exceptionally mind boggling. Bosom malignant growths can be dealt with effectively on the off chance that it is distinguished early, and before the real disease indications begins to appear.

Bosom malignant growth treatment

Bosom malignant growth is dealt with either through neighborhood treatment or foundational treatment.

Neighborhood treatment of bosom malignancy includes evacuation, decimation, or controlling the development of carcinogenic cells in the bosom. Nearby treatment by medical procedure is additionally known by the names mastectomy, and it is likewise alluded to as lumpectomy. This is a bosom saving treatment. The other nearby treatment is the utilization of radiation treatment. Radiation treatment includes utilization of a high vitality radiation pillar to annihilate the malignant growth cells. Propelled gear like LINAC helps in concentrating the radiation pillar on to the malignant growth cells, and limits, or abstains from making harm the encompassing solid cells.

Foundational treatment gets fundamental if the bosom malignant growth has spread to different pieces of the body. This treatment is subsequently used to control and pulverize malignant growth cells over the body. The different treatments that are utilized right now chemotherapy, hormone treatment, and organic treatment.

Chemotherapy includes the utilization of medications to slaughter or control disease cells. Hormone treatment includes utilization of specific medications that hinder creation of specific hormones in the body, similar to estrogen, which can help in the recovery of carcinogenic bosom cells that figure out how to stay in the body post the medical procedure of the bosom. Natural treatment includes utilization of the body's invulnerable framework in battling and annihilating destructive cells.

In this manner disease clinics that offer bosom malignant growth medicines are outfitted with a hearty group of bosom specialists, plastic specialists, clinical oncologists and other related staff, they have with them propelled apparatus for determination and treatment, and they likewise have the offices of cutting edge ICUs for adept patient administration and recuperation.

Lung malignant growth

Lung malignant growth is related with uncontrolled development of cells in it is possible that one, or both of the lungs. These cells don't form into solid lung tissue, but instead becomes strange cells which further keep on partitioning shaping chunks of tissues which are distinguished as tumors.


The manifestation that is usually connected with lung malignant growth is brevity of breath and nearness of wheezing. Certain different indications like chest torment, exhaustion, hunger misfortune, nearness of blood in the sputum while hacking, determined hack, unforeseen loss of weight, and hacking out blood, are likewise connected with lung malignant growth. Nearness of these manifestations together with reports from numerous different techniques will be utilized by doctors in diagnosing the nearness or nonappearance of lung malignant growth. Imaging systems like X-Rays of chest, bronchoscopy, MRI, CT, and PET outputs, are additionally used to analyze lung malignant growth. Further, the patient is additionally dependent upon a physical assessment by the doctor, and an investigation of the patient's sputum is likewise made. Every one of these assessments and methodology will uncover the nearness of lung malignant growth, and furthermore the area of the tumor, and furthermore data about the nearness or nonattendance of the infection anyplace else in the body.

Lung disease treatment

There are numerous variables which impact lung malignant growth treatment, and the elements on which lung disease treatment is subject to incorporates, the sort of the disease, the stage or how far the disease has spread, the age of the patient, their wellbeing status, and numerous other individual qualities of the patient. There is no specific treatment for lung disease, and patients regularly get treatment which is a blend of palliative consideration and different treatments. The preeminent of lung malignant growth treatment treatments incorporate medical procedure, radiation treatment, and chemotherapy. The patient will likewise be presented to treatments that have been as of late created which incorporate quality treatment, hormone treatment, and furthermore immunotherapy.

The treating group contains radiation oncologists, thoracic specialists, clinical oncologists, onco clinical social laborers, etc.

Orthopedic malignancy

Orthopedic malignancy includes musculoskeletal tumors that influence the pelvis, appendages, and spine. Orthopedic destructive tumors that are normally found in kids and youths are Ewings sarcoma and Osteosarcoma. Dangerous tumors that are progressively regular among grown-ups are chondrosarcoma, metastasis, and numerous myeloma. These tumors are viewed as uncommon, and the specific reason that prompts their arrangement has stayed a secret till date.

Patients who are influenced with these tumors have persevering agony in their back or appendages, and this torment won't die down with prescriptions or rest. Loss of motion and hand or foot shortcomings are manifestations patients with spine tumors typically present with.

Orthopedic disease conclusion

Clinical assessment by an authority and further examinations gets important to analyze orthopedic disease; insignificant physical assessments of bone and delicate tissue swellings will never uncover the nearness of orthopedic dangerous tumor. The examinations that are typically done incorporate X-Ray, MRI, PET, CT, and Bone sweep. Biopsy is important to affirm the analysis.

Orthopedic disease treatment

Tumors like Ewings sarcoma and Osteosarcoma needs a mix of treatment treatments which begins with chemotherapy, which is then trailed by medical procedure, and inevitably includes radiotherapy. Careful medications become important to treat amiable tumors, and tumors like chondrosarcoma. The personal satisfaction of patients experiencing bone metastasis can be significantly improved by exposing them to palliative medical procedures. Methods are altered as per patients when appendages or arms should be spared from removal. Malignancy emergency clinics cause the vital arrangements for prosthetic substitutions when removal medical procedures to get fundamental.

There are no realized techniques to forestall the event of musculoskeletal tumors, and these tumors are extensively uncommon. Since anticipation is precluded, early location alone can prompt appropriate treatment. Further, headways in innovation in the ongoing occasions has presented the chance of freeing patients from unmistakable appendage or arm removals when they are influenced with bone malignancies. However, removal can be maintained a strategic distance from just when the malignant growth is distinguished at a beginning time. Various patients have been dealt with and were restored, and they are currently in a situation to have a typical existence; these patients have profited by the progressions made in innovation, which has made complex medical procedures easier.

Disease clinics utilize trend setting innovations for delicate tissue sarcoma tumor extractions including Brachytherapy, and furthermore utilization of LINAC for outer radiation treatment.

The orthopedic disease treatment group of malignant growth emergency clinics involves clinical oncologists, radiation oncologists, physiotherapists, etc.

Patients looking for treatment for musculoskeletal tumors can likewise profit by various administrations including, appendage rescuing medical procedure while being treated for dangerous tumors, benevolent bone tumor the executives, pelvic and spine tumor medical procedure, treatment for skin threat, delicate tissue sarcoma treatment, etc

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7350752

Cancer Cure and Cancer Prevention

he book titled: Healing Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to the Process of Healing Cancer investigates disease by and large with an attention on by and large wellbeing of the body. The book is isolated into five fundamental segments which are the primary segments of the general procedure of mending malignant growth. There is likewise a part on the Missing Links for malignancy conventions as a rule, Root-Cause Analysis which distinguishes the underlying driver of disease, and finishing section entitle: Life which is helper content. 

The section on Missing Links talks about Overcoming Fear and Having a Positive Attitude, Addressing Failure, Critical Thinking, Self-Education, True Health, and Responsibility. Each of these "missing connections" are talked about in detail with a point that these are for the most part missing in the present customary disease treatment conventions. Defeating Fear and Having a Positive Attitude are significant with respect to recuperating the brain before starting an excursion of mending the collection of malignancy. These are basic segments to the general procedure of mending malignant growth in which the subsequent part is committed to this point. Tending to Failure is likewise a psychological segment examined in Chapter 2. 

Basic Thinking and Self-Education are talked about in detail in the Missing Links part to recognize to the peruser that there is something else entirely to what we "think" we know from our general training. The reason is that we don't have the general capacity to think fundamentally as a result of how we were taught growing up. Additionally, a large portion of us just get a "general eduction" and think we are finished learning after our conventional instruction is finished. Self-Education is the start of genuine instruction that should begin a long time before our formal "general" training is finished. Sadly the vast majority of us are alright with the general instruction we get and coast the remainder of our lives. This is to some degree hazardous to our conviction framework as we are guileless to what others come clean with us a being. 

The last Missing Link is Responsibility which is by all accounts truly ailing in our general public today of developed, savvy grown-ups. Obligation comprises of dealing with your own issues and not having such a significant number of conditions throughout everyday life. With regards to the book, this has an inseparable tie to malignant growth and malady all in all. We as people are liable for our activities and on the off chance that we are not self-instruction on wellbeing and carry on with a non-sound way of life, we are answerable for the sicknesses and infection we experience. Reliance on a social insurance framework is being flighty. Utilizing basic reasoning and self-training will permit us to rely upon ourselves and opposite those illnesses and sicknesses and help carry on with a more beneficial way of life. 

Part 2, titled: Attitude is the principal segment of the five with respect to the way toward mending malignant growth. It is the most significant part and is foremost to the mending procedure. The individuals who are experience the ill effects of interminable dread, outrage, or sadness from getting malignancy have an essentially lower change of a full recuperation contrasted with the individuals who take part in reliable positive idea. Negative idea is imperative to conquer when managing disease. This part offers direction to beating negative idea which includes organizing a proper arrangement for doing as such. 

Section 3, titled: Root-Cause Analysis depends on the known reason for disease which was found during the 1920s. The German Physicist recognized the underlying driver as: "The prime reason for malignant growth is the substitution of the breath of oxygen for typical body cells by the aging of sugar." Cancer becomes disease when a cell can never again get the oxygen it needs to endure. This has been know for quite a few years, yet the present malignancy industry doesn't bolster it. This part talks about the regular malignant growth medicines of chemotherapy and radiation which don't address the main driver of disease. An undeniable message passed on is, in the event that you don't have the foggiest idea about the main driver of something, how might you fix it? 

Section 4, titled: Detoxification is the second principle part of the way toward mending disease. This section talks about the lethal condition we live in and the harmful collections that development in our cells from long stretches of less than stellar eating routine, day by day presentation to family unit synthetic substances, and synthetic compounds in our water supply. This lethal amassing is what is answerable for the lower oxygen levels at the cell level which can in the long run lead to malignancy. Basically, the poisonous amassing is in part liable for the development of disease and should be expelled from the body. The section talks about huge numbers of the basic detoxification conventions just as what to keep away from to restrict your day by day introduction to these poisonous substances. 

Section 5, titled: Alternative and Complimentary Cancer Treatments is the third fundamental segment to the way toward mending malignant growth. This section talks about a significant number of the normal and well known elective malignant growth treatment conventions that the greater part of the populace has never known about. These conventions mostly center around detoxification and sustenance. 

Part 6, titled: Nutrition is the fourth principle segment. This part expounds of the nourishments that you ought to expend and those that ought to be evaded. This will appear to be very evident when understanding it, yet it is a rare occurrence information in our general public. Natural nourishments, drinks normally don't contain the poisonous synthetic compounds of the ordinary comparable items. The equivalent is valid for non-consumable family items, for example, cleaners and cleanliness items. This section additionally covers wholesome lacks and why most of the populace is insufficient in a specific supplements. 

Part 7, titled: Exercise is the fifth and last segment. This is another to some degree clear point yet the section broadly expounds on the lymphatic framework and its significance to normally detoxifying the body. The lymphatic framework is the strict sewer arrangement of the body which its dissemination is just incited by body development (work out). In the event that activity isn't a piece of a day by day standard, at that point stagnation can frame in the lymphatic framework compounding the situation concerning malignant growth and ailment. It is critical to execute a week after week practice schedule. 

Section 8, titled" Life is a helper part that talks about the Mind, Body, and Soul and how it identifies with the general procedure examined. It recommends that in the event that we don't score high in the psyche, body, and soul classes then we are not living to the fullest potential. There is something else entirely to life than simply "getting by" and "making a cursory effort". Those with malignant growth clearly score low in the body class, yet likely score low in the brain and soul classifications as well. The book and the missing connections and by and large procedure to mending malignant growth ought to permit everybody to score a lot higher in these classes. Utilizing the substance in the book gives the devices to begin scoring higher in these classifications right away. 

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/master/Steven_M_McMahon/1238938 

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